Memorial Day Parade
We will be participating in the Whiteboro, New York Mills, and New Hartford Parades.

Ziyara Public Installation of Officers
Nobles please arrive for the 9AM Annual Meeting. Noble ladies please arrive at 9:45. The Pubic installation will start at 10AM.

Christmas Party
The Christmas Party will be held at the Roselawn and cost $40 per person.

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30

Stated Meeting Ceremonial
Dinner will be at 6:00 PM. The menu is Ziti, Chicken Riggies, and Antipasto.
Casual Stated Meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30

Potentate's Reception
Reservation & Payment Deadline: July 12, 2024
Illustrious Sir Michael R. Wolzmuth and First Lady Robin of Ziyara Shriners would like you to join them for the Ziyara Shriners 2024 Potentate's reception, to be held August 2, 3, & 4 at Vernon Downs Casino and Hotel ,429 Stuhlman Road Verona, NY 13476.
We will start the weekend on Friday, August 2 with Ziyara's famous Hospitality Room opening at 3pm. The Hospitality room will have your favorite snacks and beverages. Dinner will be on your own Friday evening. There are restau-
rants ni the casino and a great microbrewery close by. There are other area restaurants as well. The casino also has live entertainment. Then, join us back in the Hospitality Room for libations and conversations. Saturday, we wil have a lunch buffet in the Hospitality Room at 12(noon) with the Hospitality Room remaining open until 4 pm.
The reception wil begin at 5pm, Saturday, with appetizers and one-hour open bar. We want all to have fun and be comfortable so please dress "Rat Pack" no jeans please. Introductions will begin at 6pm followed by a presentation by Shriners Children's New England then dinner (Please submit your dinner requests on separate sheet included) and cash bar. Music and dancing will be with our own Noble Mark Alvarado.
After dinner and dancing, join us back in the Hospitality Room for libations and snacks. There will also be entertainment in the casino. Sunday will feature an optional breakfast and presentations at 9am. No fez and dress is casual. We hope you and your lady, or your representatives, will be able ot attend. This wil also be open to al Nobles, ladies, and family.
Current NYOSA Potentates and their Lady (Or representatives) will have their stay Saturday, dinner and Sunday break- fast covered by Ziyara. If you wish to stay Friday, you may make your reservation for Friday direct with the hotel and casino, Rooms are $99 per night. Mention Ziyara Shriners for the discounted rate.
Please let us know your room needs and meal choices by July 12. Please make your own reservations direct with the hotel for Friday and Saturday. Ziyara will cover Saturday Night's stay if you and your lady are a current NYOSA Po-entate or representative.
You may mail your form to Zivara Shriners, 8209 Halsey Road, Whitesboro, NY 13492
Any Noble or lady and family may attend this event. Room reservations can be made directly with the hotel at 315-231- 6905 check in time is 3pm (check out is 1 pm.) Please contact Mike at 315-225-4663, or Robin at 315-371-7227 with any questions or concerns.
Shriners Lady Robin and I hope to see you there.
Love to all,
Michael R Wolzmuth
Potentate 2024 Ziyara Shriners
Potentate Michael R. Wolzmuth, Chief Rabban John P. Smith, Assistant Rabban Robert J.Verdon II, High Priest & Prophet Daniel J. Rena, Oriential Guide Richard J. Sacco, Treasurer Kenneth R. Williams, Recorder Mark Alvarado, 1st Ceremonial Master Zachary M. Zegarelli, 2nd Ceremonial Master Steven A. Mack, Director Hary .J Dapre Jr., Marshal Gregory M. Torres, Captain of the Guard Bernard J. Morosco, Outer Guard Gerald R. Gleasman

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30

Imperial Session
Hotel: Silver Legacy & Hospitality Suite
Dinner @ Wild River Grille Mon. 06/01
4 nights, Hospitality & Dinner $1,860 a couple, $1,560 for single. Additional nights available through buck savers at $220 a night
Nonrefundable deposit needed by 2/29
Balance paid in full by by 04/30
Please submit deposits and payments to Elaine Burnett
Lady Robin and Illustrious Mike look forward to spending the 2024 Imperial Session with you in Reno!

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30

Divan Meeting
Divan meeting for members of the divan. Food at 6:00 with meeting starting at 6:30