Ziyara Shriners Clubs
Western Shrine CLUB
Share information about activities of the Shrine and other Masonic activities as they may be noted. The Western Shine Club meets once a month even during the summer months, when most clubs and units go dark. They meet at restaurants usually located in western part of the Ziyara Shrine Area. Any noble will be happy to assist you in becoming a member of this unit.
Valley Shrine CLUB
Shares information about activities that are going on throughout Masonry with emphasis being on activities of Ziyara. Meetings are held every other month at various restaurants and Masonic Lodges throughout the Mohawk Valley. Dinners are by reservation and usually paid at the door. Your fellow nobles will be glad to give all the information that you will need to become a member. You do not have to live in the Mohawk Valley to join.
Southern Tier Shrine CLUB
Shares the same information as the Valley Shrine Club and the Western Shrine Club but shares information about activities that are going on in there area. Your fellow nobles will be glad to give you all the information that you will need to become a member.
Adirondack Shrine CLUB
Shares the same information as the Valley Shrine Club, Southern Tier Shrine Club, and the Western Shrine Club but shares information about activities that are going on in their area. Your fellow nobles will be glad to give you all the information that you will need to become a member.
“Friends of the Shrine” Band
This is a very important club, while it may not be properly referred to as Unit, it always has and always will be considered a Unit by all the Ziyara Family. Where would we be today without music? It is hard to name a function where some sort of music is not used. Please note that both men and women can join the Band wear the “Cap” of the “Friends of the Shrine”.
40 and Under CLUB
As you can see from the name of this club, you must be 40 or under to belong. This is the newest of all the clubs and units in the Shrine and some of there duties will be carrying the large American Flag during parades and acting as Shepard's during the Hot and Cold Sands, shepherding new candidates during the degree work. Any 40 or under member will be glad to assist you in becoming a member, as long as you are under that magic number.
Hospital FUN CLUB
This club's sole mission is to get the men and women (young and the young at heart) together with FUN functions to benefit our hospitals. This club is just getting off the ground so check out this website for more details as it comes to fruition.